
caoydl is a command-line interface to YouTube, written in C99. It strives to be quick, portable, and as simple as possible.

Purpose (Why?)

The goal is to provide and efficient, portable and easily hackable tool, which feats with my workflow and has the following features:

What "features" I didn't wanted:

Background (Who?)

caoydl stands for C "aoydl". It was originally a rewrite of aoydl (now a dead link) in C. "aoydl" itself stands for "Aczkolwiek's Own Youtube-DL". aoydl was a very simple (almost) fully POSIX compliant shell script.

The project is based on "frontend", which is written by Hiltjo Posthuma (

It also took some inspiration from yt-dlp (a youtube-dl fork), and pipe-viewer.

Location (Where?)

You can find the repository here.

How to install?

Liabilities (or dependencies, YMMV):


$ make

And optionally, as root:

$ make install

How to use?

caoydl supports the following arguments:

All of these options can be combined with the -r flag which gives you the raw json(s).

Example usage

Make a video search and print information corresponding to the first result:

$ caoydl "$(caoydl -s 'cat video' | sed 1q | cut -f 1)"

Here is what I get (at the time of writing, with my specific location):

title:	Videos for Cats to Watch - 8 Hour Birds Bonanza - Cat TV Bird Watch
uploaded by:	UCPJXfmxMYAoH02CFudZxmgg	Paul Dinning
published at:	2018-02-13
duration:	8:05:42
Videos for Cats to Watch Birds - Cat TV Bird Watch
Video Produced by Paul Dinning - Wildlife in Cornwall #PaulDinning
------------------------------	22	video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2"
...	251	audio/webm; codecs="opus"

After the "uploaded by:" is the channel's id followed by the channel's title. The last lines follows the following format (TSV):


"URL" is a direct link to the content and can be read/downloaded directly.

Print video availability and if it is live content using jq(1) and dmenu(1):

$ id=$(caoydl -s 'cat video' | dmenu | cut -f 1)
$ caoydl -r "$id" |
    jq -r '..|[.playabilityStatus?.status, .videoDetails?.isLiveContent] | join("\n")' |
    sed '/null/d; /^$/d'

Get video's keywords (not available everywhere):

$ caoydl -r "$id" | jq -r '..|.videoDetails?.keywords[]?' | grep -vxF 'null'
Pet awesome
animal reaction
funniest animals

Get video's thumbnails (direct links):

$ caoydl -r "$id" | jq -r '..|.thumbnail?.thumbnails[]?.url' | grep -vxF 'null'
  "url": "",
  "width": 168,
  "height": 94
  "url": "",
  "width": 1280,
  "height": 720

Example workflow

I like to use caoydl in combination with a "pager":

$ caoydl -S <query> | less

Here I'm using st (suckless or simple terminal), with a patch to plumb on right click.

You can take a look at the plumber right there. It can recognize a YouTube channel, playlist or video's identifier, each one being of a specific length: